新闻 2023年7月27日

Mitie’s latest 环境、社会和治理 report reveals positive strides towards a sustainable future

  • Mitie’s latest 环境、社会和治理 report outlines the positive progress towards ambitious goals across its four social value pillars – 环境, 人, 社区, 负责任的供应链
  • 通过对环境、社会和治理的持续承诺, Mitie已达到或超过了其在23财年的大部分目标, 加速实现2025年的总体目标
  • 主要亮点包括支持1,100年学徒, 近1,000辆新电动汽车, the validation of net zero targets by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and more than 19,000小时的社区志愿澳博官方网站

Mitie发布了最新的环境、社会和治理报告, which provides insights into its progress towards achieving its ambitious 环境、社会和治理 goals over the past 金融 Year (“FY23”). The report highlights the positive strides Mitie has made towards its goals for 2025, 是基于社会价值框架的吗, with the business meeting or exceeding the majority of its targets in FY23. Mitie’s Social Value Framework sets out specific targets across each of its four social value pillars: 环境, 人, 社区和负责任的供应链, 所有这些都以第五支柱创新为基础. 23财年的主要亮点包括:


2023年4月, Mitie became one of only 219 companies globally that have received validation from the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) across all three categories – for its near-term, 长期目标和净零目标. Mitie also cemented its position as a UK leader in the uptake of electric vehicles (EV), 近1,在23财年增加了000辆电动汽车. Scope 3 emissions have also been an important focus area for the business in FY23, Mitie将其范围3的二氧化碳排放量减少到300,114吨——比目标高出15吨以上,000吨.

超越Mitie自己的环境、社会和治理议程, 集团1,000+ strong decarbonisation team continued to support customers in achieving their Net Zero targets, 放大积极的环境影响. The team delivered decarbonisation services for 372 customers covering 800 sites during FY23, 包括一些英国最大的品牌, 比如沃达丰和劳埃德银行集团.


作为64人的雇主,000人, Mitie’s commitment to supporting its colleagues and creating a great place to work has been recognised again as it was named a Top Employer for the fifth year running. This was demonstrated by the launch of Mitie’s £10 million Winter Support Package in November 2022, designed to help colleagues most in need as a result of the cost-of-living crisis. The package was targeted to provide support to 40,000 of Mitie’s lowest-paid colleagues.

The business also continues to focus on creating a diverse workforce across all levels. This includes achieving its target to have 10% racially diverse representation on the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), 高于22财年的8%. 它还将女性SLT代表人数增加了4%,达到28%. 年内, 该公司支持了创纪录的1美元,100名学徒获得宝贵的技术, 专业, 以及管理技能和资格.


Mitie在23财年超额完成了社区支柱目标, 实现19,298 volunteering hours across the business – surpassing its target by 18%. 以及它的旗舰项目Ready2Work, the Mitie基金会 also launched the Ready2Work Military programme to support those leaving the military by giving them the opportunity to experience working in the facilities management sector before leaving the Forces. This helped support Mitie in exceeding its target for Armed Forces veteran recruitment, 达到了3.23财年为1%.


作为英国最大的企业之一, Mitie is committed to engaging its supply chain to reduce environmental impact, 保护人权,防止现代奴隶制. 在FY23, Mitie与供应商合作,将交货数量减少了18件,250 through activities such as choosing options with less packaging, 使用更小范围的产品, 增加最小订购值. 这使得二氧化碳排放量减少了近100吨. 米蒂花了2英镑.3 million with voluntary community and social enterprises (VCSEs) – far surpassing its target of £1.500万年.

Jason Roberts, Director of Sustainability and Social Value, Mitie, said:

“作为英国最大的企业之一, 我们知道我们可以, 而且应该, have a positive impact on the environment and communities where we work. It’s fantastic to see that we continue to make great strides towards meeting our ambitious 环境、社会和治理 targets for 2025. From decarbonising our own operations and accelerating our customers’ Net Zero objectives, 支持1,100名学徒和超过19名志愿者,000小时, our exceptional teams are delivering a significant impact right across the UK.”

读Mitie的 完整的2023年环境、社会和治理报告 to find out more about its latest achievements and goals for next year.

