
Five key insights to unlock estate optimisation

Learn how to propel your organisation closer to net zero.

如果英国要在2030年前将碳排放量减少45%,就需要采取紧急行动, in line with 政府 commitments.

在他的开场白中, Mitie’s Director of 项目, 马克:, emphasised the importance of a collective approach to decarbonisation.

He said: “Do we have action plans that are going to help us get to net zero? Do we have the investment?… 事件s like today are for sharing learnings. 我们可以把事情带回到我们的业务中,提出新的想法,改善未来的能源管理,继续走零排放的道路.”


洞察力 #1: Take tough decisions

菲尔·宾利, Mitie首席执行官, introducing an Estate Optimisation event, dressed in a white shirt and grey suit
菲尔·宾利, Mitie首席执行官, 表示,英国企业必须做出“艰难的决定”,才能实现2030年的目标

在他的演讲中, Mitie’s Head of Energy Optimisation, 马丁•里德, 透露许多超市不愿安装节能冰箱门.

原因是? The doors may obstruct shoppers from goods they wish to buy.


During his welcome speech, Mitie的首席执行官, 菲尔·宾利, 强调有影响力的组织有责任作出艰难的决定,确保实现2030年目标.

He said: “Some 18% of UK carbon emissions come from UK business. Without action from people like yourselves, this will only increase.”

洞察力 #2: Just get started

Phil went on to share a quote from the 能源 expert and Managing Partner at EP组, 史蒂芬·福克斯博士:“不要把你所有的投资都投入到全新的解决方案上——从更有效地管理你已经拥有的开始.”


马克·卡斯基还强调,虽然组织在能源成本和减少碳排放方面面临挑战, the solutions needn’t be complex or expensive.

他说:“研究表明,到2036年,国家电网的用电量将增加50%, and that will double by 2050. 我们也知道建筑环境占世界碳排放量的40%,但我们可以做很多事情来提高效率.”

洞察力 #3: Prop科技 is essential

Keynote speaker and renowned prop科技 influencer, Antony Slumbers, addressed Four great challenges on the road to 2030.

Describing 2030 as a ‘brick wall’, 如果不更有效地追求脱碳,英国将与之发生冲突, Antony listed four actions organisations must take to avoid disaster:

  • 脱碳 of real estate
  • Adapt to the move to hybrid, remote and distributed working
  • Repurpose and renovate obsolete buildings
  • Provide support to ensure cities thrive despite such change

也是成功的关键? Prop科技.

Antony said: “We’ve got to be more creative, more innovative, more visionary. This is a market for visionary people – the innovators and the creatives. And a market for the 科技nologist. Because none of this is going to be possible without a tonne of 科技nology. Anything to do with 科技nology means it’s absolutely boom time for prop科技, which is needed everywhere.”

洞察力 #4: Bring your people on the journey

Next Emma Johnson, from the Sustainability, Future Workplace, People & Places team at Lloyds Banking Group, shared the bank’s sustainability journey. This included the Connected Branches 能源 efficiency programme, for which the bank partnered with Mitie.

来自劳埃德银行集团的艾玛·约翰逊在Mitie的房地产优化活动上发表演讲——站在碎片大厦的窗户旁, 伦敦, 还有一个展示屏幕
劳埃德银行集团(Lloyds Banking Group)的艾玛·约翰逊(Emma Johnson)强调了让员工走上可持续发展之路的重要性

Emma noted that success depended on a mix of:

  • 基础设施
  • 技术
  • 行为的改变

Measures implemented by the bank included:

  • 外部 LED lighting at head office in Edinburgh, resulting in a 73% 能源 saving.
  • 安装一个 ground source heat pump at the Halifax branch, which alone was responsible for 10% of the bank’s carbon emissions. The solution has saved over 1100 tonnes of carbon emissions.
  • Sustainable refurbishment of the Oxford Street branch in 伦敦, which included furniture made from recycled materials, LED lighting and a new building management system to monitor 能源.



她说:“我们需要帮助同事以一种可持续的方式往返于办公室之间. 我们在布里斯托尔试行了一个名为“Lift Share”的项目,最近向整个集团推出. 我们有2个,000名同事注册并受益于电梯共享……我们还支持我们的同事在家里更可持续地生活. 这就是为什么我们在谈判报价和折扣,以帮助他们在家庭生活和我们的办公室.”

洞察力 #5: Understand everything… and 每一个人

一个活泼的Q&随后,Mitie的战略技术总监Simi Gandhi-Whitaker主持了一个会议.

The contributors were Director of Workplace at Sky, 戴安娜Foxlee, 导演EEVS, 希拉里木, Project Manager: Net Zero & 就业和养老金部的可持续发展,伊恩·阿尔蒙德,澳博官方网站交付部门负责人 & 设施 Division at University of Sussex, Scott Noble and Senior Sustainability Manager at Lloyds Banking Group, 马特奥Deidda.

在整个谈话中,首先了解房地产的重要性是一个反复出现的主题. 然而,了解关键利益相关者和决策者的想法也很重要; 每一个人 needs to be on board to achieve decarbonisation.

戴安娜Foxlee said: “Understanding is the absolute foundation, 再加上理解决策者和保单持有人……正确理解司机,让每个人都有责任. It needs to feel really motivating for everybody.”


活动结束, 马克:, summarised the learnings that will help get 脱碳, 交付.

科技的结合, 人文和文化将成为帮助英国实现2030年目标的有力工具.

Mark said: “This brings around 科技nology, data, 工作场所, 人类的经验以及我们如何为未来做好准备……我们真的必须让未来的七年变得有意义……你必须有一个框架来获得支持,并帮助你在整个地产中扩大规模. All of us talked about 科技nology and data. What you do should take you closer to your customers, 让他们开心,创造一个长期让他们感到满足的工作环境.”

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